Why I love India so much?

IÂ am sitting on the rooftop terrace of my hotel in New Delhi in Paharganj, IÂ am smoking and IÂ am sad. IÂ will leave India tomorrow. IÂ will be in Europe again after 6 weeks. IÂ am trying to avoid these thoughts. IÂ am trying to think about everything nice, what IÂ have experienced here. IÂ am trying to perceive last vibrations of this country. In this moment, on the rooftop terrace IÂ am promising myself that IÂ will come back to India. One year later! And IÂ will try to fulfill my dream. IÂ know that India will wait for me.
It is said that there are two types of people – those who love it and those who hate it. On my way I used to meet both types. I have fallen in love with India from the first minute, when I came here and certainly want to return back. There is a simple question. Why do people like to come back to India? And there is a simple answer. Because India is highly addictive. I wonder why ? What are the reasons why IÂ love India so much?
India is a vast country with many interesting buildings, temples, monasteries that I would like to see. These sites are located literally in every small village. In addition, in India there is a huge amount of cultural and religious customs, practices and rituals that are extremely interesting for me. The sad thing is that my life is really too short to know all that belongs to it.
Healthy and tasty food
Food is one of the things that I will truly miss it. I ate a lot of Indian dishes and never happened to me that IÂ dont like it. For the first time in my life I became a vegetarian for a long time and I feel great. All the time I have avoided western food and tried to eat tasty dishes in local restaurants. I bring home some staff with which I will be able to remind the taste of India.
Beautiful nature
India has all kinds of natural beauty you can imagine. From the highest mountains in the world, wild rainforests to beautiful beaches with white sand. I got to the places in India, which IÂ consider as the most beautiful I have ever seen. Often happened to me, especially in the Himalayas that IÂ had to realize that it is not a dream but a reality. In those places, I experienced an incredible feeling of happiness and I perceived life itself as never before.
India has always surprised me
India is the funniest country I’ve visited so far. It was fun to watch how problems are solved in India as well as look at different absurd situations that flickered in the eyes in second. Sometimes I remained standing and to recover from what I saw. Sometimes I sat for 10 minutes and watched what was going on around me. I saw scenes that do not occur even in the best movies. Scenes that no director cannot write, because those scenes can write only India alone.
 Time doesn’t exist in India
It appears that time doesn’t exist in India. Or it is perceived differently. In India people no hurry to get anywhere. There is no universal time, people has their personal time on watch. It took me a couple of days before I got used to it, but now I quite like this phenomenon. It seems to me as if the whole system in India is managed not by time but by a kind of intuition.
India is a country of contrasts. They always fascinated me. There are contrasts in the neture. IÂ saw neighborhoods with incredible poverty what I cannot imagine before and I saw the luxury suburbs. I saw contrasts in colors of beautiful women saris on dried out endless fields. IÂ felt it in smell of food on the streets which turn to odor of urea and feces. And it was the contrast between life and death on burning ghat Manikarnika in Varanasi.
Accelerated karmic principles
It may sound unbelievable but I noticed that in India the karmic principles happening at an accelerating speed. And it was in both directions. If I didn’t have good intentions, something wrong happened to me in record short time. If someone was trying to hurt me, then some “coincidence” happened that brought something very positive to my journey. I noticed one thing in general. I got from India exactly what I gave to it.
Trigger for spiritual growth
India is a place where people begin to grow spiritually. You can feel spirituality often and after a while you absorb it. In India, I started to think about a number of aspects of life that I previously overlooked. I was thinking about things that are important in life and those that doesn’t. I realized that I have not appreciated everything that I should so far. I know that my life will change because some things won’t be as obvious as they were before.
IÂ am leaving India with the feeling that IÂ left a piece of myself here. IÂ am feeling that this part of me will stay here and will not go home with me. My personality will miss it. I will feel incompletely until I will come here again, I find this lost part and take it. Maybe then I’ll be able to leave India more easily than now.
People can watch movies on India, read books or listen to Indian music. But India must be seen by your own eyes; it must be heard by your own ears and felt by your heart. Only then you will understand why India is called INCREDIBLE.
1 Comment
So glad to know that you love my country and it treated you well. Very well written. 🙂